Spring Welcome Idea for the Front Porch~Farmhouse Decor
Takes , serves .
No matter the season or weather, having a sweet greeting on your front porch is a delight to anyone who walks by. I don't know about you, but with 7 people living in our house and a farm with slobbery dogs, curious chickens, and lazy cats, sometimes our front porch can be a bit helter-skelter! Well, actually...cluttered and unpresentable.
As winter winds down, we need a little something sunny to greet us on the way in our front door. Carolina found this cute little metal wagon and filled it up with happiness. (Can you tell we're excited about sunshine and happy weather??) She is so ridiculously creative and is constantly blessing our family with these sweet ideas.
You can take it from here, Carolina!
A pot from last years flowers, that was already full of potting soil, was a perfect opportunity to plant some moss, grasses, and random tiny green plants that I gathered from the yard. But, it needed a little something else...Ah! A WELCOME banner! I cut out a simple paper banner, wrote WELCOME on it, taped it to some skewers- Voila!
Then, I filled a mason jar with water, and packed it with daffodils!
The flowers needed a little flower booster seat, so that the greenery couldn't steal the show; a little wooden crate/box thingy did the trick.
Don't forget to give your greenery a little water. It will last a really long time if you do!Do you want to add some sunshine to your porch? Back steps? Table? Wherever you need some sunshine!
Gather these items:
Want to give a WELCOME banner a go? There is one you can print off at the end of this post! To assemble, simply:
1. Right click to save/download, then print
2. Cut out
3. Fold the dotted line
4. Tape or glue skewers, chop sticks, little sticks, (whatever you have that will work) in the fold of the banner
5. Then stick it securely in your pot of plants or a bouquet, and you're all set!
Keep scrolling to get to the welcome banner printable!
Make it simple. Make it lovely.
Takes , serves .
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